Rule your health with Throne

As men step into the prime of their lives, changes in our bodies bring a renewed focus on health.

Throne is the first device designed to monitor your urological and digestive wellness from the comfort and privacy of your home.


Another day wiser

Over half of men in their 50s and a staggering 80% of men in their 70s have symptoms of BPH, including difficulties in voiding and frequent trips to the bathroom, especially at night. 

Urologists often instruct their patients to keep a “void diary” to keep track of how often you go, but you have better things to do than write those entries – especially at 3am. 

Throne offers a simple and reliable way to monitor your urinary habits, helping you stay informed about your well-being. Through automatically capturing data on urinary flow rate, frequency, volume, and duration, Throne is a significant asset for men looking to monitor and manage their BPH alongside their healthcare professional.

Monitor without manual tracking

With Throne, you can monitor your urinary patterns without the need for manual tracking, gaining a clearer understanding of your body's needs.

How does Throne work?  

Throne integrates effortlessly into your daily bathroom routine, providing a discreet way to track key health metrics. Utilizing sophisticated optical and acoustic sensors, Throne delivers in-depth insights into your hydration levels, urinary function, and gut health by analyzing your body's waste. 

Our advanced urinalysis approach assesses hydration by examining the color of your urine, offering precise feedback on your body’s water needs. Through the use of acoustics, Throne accurately measures urine flow rate, shedding light on urinary function. And Throne’s GI AI gives evaluations of stool health that are on par with those provided by gastroenterologists, offering a comprehensive view of your digestive wellness.

Throne is simple, easy, and safe

We understand you don't want to add confusing or burdensome technology to your life—which is why we've designed Throne to be simple and safe to use.

Private & secure

Throne’s downward-facing camera captures essential health insights and nothing else. Respecting privacy, Throne only records when your phone is detected nearby.

Set up in 5 minutes

Throne is easy to install, fits all standard toilets, and blends beautifully into your bathroom environment.

Drinking is better with loved ones

You have control over who you share your results with. Keep them to yourself, or share with healthcare providers and loved ones.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is Throne for?

Throne is for everyone who pees and poops. We all know how important hydration is to our overall well-being, but until now there hasn’t been a convenient way to track our hydration over time. This is especially important for athletes, who lose water through sweat, and perhaps most important for seniors, as dehydration can increase the risk of falls.

Monitoring bowel movements can provide valuable insights into digestive health and nutrient absorption, as well as serve as an early warning sign for various conditions like gastrointestinal bleeding. It's a cost-effective, non-invasive way to keep tabs on overall health, and for individuals with chronic gastrointestinal diseases, it's an essential part of ongoing management.

How does Throne work with multiple people in the house?

Sharing your home with family or roommates doesn't mean you have to share your personal Throne data. Just set up individual profiles in our app, and thanks to Bluetooth, Throne knows exactly who's who. Each user's data is kept separately and securely, so you can easily keep tabs on your own health without any mix-ups.

Will guests be able to use my bathroom without having their data logged?

Your guests' privacy is just as important to us as yours. Throne only kicks into action when it detects a known user based on Bluetooth proximity. Nothing is recorded until you’ve created a Throne account in the app. For added transparency, a recording light turns on when Throne is collecting data. So if your friends or family are over, they can do their business without interfering with your data collection.

When will Throne launch? 

Throne is planning to ship the first devices in the spring of 2025. Our team is working hard to ensure the product meets the highest standards for accuracy, usability, and privacy. To stay updated on our progress and be among the first to know when Throne becomes available for purchase, make sure to sign up for our email newsletter.